Prof. Janet Barasa Foundation
We envision a Just world, where all are equal
Prof. Janet Barasa Foundation was established in 2022 under the stewardship of Her Excellency Prof. Janet Kassilly Barasa, the First Lady Kakamega County.
To promote and protect the rights, skills, knowledge and confidence of vulnerable children and women in the society
Transparency and accountability
Equity and equality
Program goal: To achieve zero teen pregnancies in Kakamega County
Specific objectives
To ensure functional child and women’s rights protection mechanisms to prevent and respond to all forms of violence and abuse
To build stronger ecosystem for vulnerable young girls and women employment and entrepreneurship.
Program targeting adolescents in mixed day schools on career development, mental health and sexual education through:
15 schools covered reaching out to 12,000 adolescent learners
Tackling gender inequality by addressing root causes and improving the daily lives and societal value of girls and women.
Work grounded on human rights principles through adopting strong, clear positions on, and actively support, human rights
Reporting openly and transparently about what we do on both our successes and failures and about how we use the resources entrusted to us.
Building relationships with a variety of organizations, institutions, corporate and other actors that influence the changes we are seeking
74 teen mothers reintegrated to vocational training: